OACM Group under its environmental umbrella has registered OACM Media INC. company that owns the broadcasting licence and all rights reserved for World Aqua Day. OACM’s business model is to sell the broadcasting licence to a global media company on two year test period to explore the broadcasting coverage and distribution of the event. OACM will base its broadcasting licence similar to the Formula 1 business model, as suggested by Mr. Bernie Ecclestone, one of the OACM Group founders. The further global broadcasting agreements from the chosen main Global Media Distributor will need to be aligned with OACM Group’s ethical and moral principles of economic and environmental-sustainability sense.
World Aqua Day’s media broadcasting needs to cover the entire planet, the core essence of the WDA’s official ceremony and the world’s ocean cleanup is to raise awareness and promote ocean preservation measures. In order to do so, besides the world’s largest ocean cleaup, World Aqua Day needs to be developed into a global spectacle similar to the Olympic Games and achieve such global coverage.